Sunday, January 27, 2008

Week #3 - Thing #7 - Part 2

As I was searching for a picture to add to my last post, I came across this one. Here I am showing my MacBook laptop to my 99 year-old neighbor. We recently had her over for dinner, and I wanted to share some photos with her. It was her very first chance to play with a computer. And I was surprised that she was so open to it! She has seen so many changes in her lifetime, and she is still willing to explore something new. This is a good reminder to me to remain open to changes.

Week #3 - Thing #7

Having young adult children is a distinct advantage for those of us who are trying to learn about all these new technologies. Before our 25 year-old daughter moved to California, she took it upon herself to teach her parents the art of texting on our cell phones. While there are still MANY features on my cell phone that I do not have a clue about, I have become quite adept at texting her. Of course, she can text at the speed of light and I am rather slow by comparison. In the time it takes me to craft a short sentence, she can create a paragraph complete with punctuation. I still forget to change the modes that I am in and find myself thinking "Why can't I just call her!" But I persevere in this quest to become better at texting. Even my husband (who does not like using computers) has become a fan of texting. And it is all about communicating, yes? I like that it is so easy to be able to stay in touch with her even though she is 3000 miles away.

Week #3 - Thing #6 Flickr Discovery

Flickr rocks! But right now I feel like my head is spinning with all of its possibilities. It is taking me in directions that I never thought possible. I have been trying to poke through all of it slowly so that I can process and remember it (that is the objective here, yes?). And again, I am showing my true colors as a digital immigrant - I am still printing out pages of information to read and highlight in yellow so I can understand all of this new information.

Week #3 - Thing #5 Discovery Exercise

Book Sculpture - SQC, originally uploaded by gwENvision.

At last! This picture has given me an idea! This could be a creative way to recycle all of the outdated books in my school library's collection! With an average date of 1986, the potential material for the size of my sculpture is astounding!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Creating My Avatar - What Fun!

This is too much fun! Here's hoping that I am not graded on just how closely my avatar resembles reality!

Week #2 - Exercise/Thoughts on 7 &1/2 Habits

As I followed the the 7 & 1/2 Habits Online Tutorial, I found myself jotting down notes on paper (sorry - still have not attained the status of the paperless office). All of them seem worthy of reflection and thought - but these two are the most relevant to me:

#3 - View Problems as Challenges
This is the hardest for me and something that I need to work on - to change my mindset from viewing problems as setbacks to seeing them as opportunities to learn. I guess on some level I already know this, but to put it into action everyday is a challenge for me. Also, considering that I am entering new territory here as a "digital immigrant" I need to have the attitude that I am open to learning from my mistakes.

#4 - Have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner.
When #4 first appeared on my computer screen, I did not think that it was that profound. But then this appeared: "Don't say it or think it unless you want it to be true." Hmmm. Just when I thought I could breeze though to #5, this one made me stop and think. Sure, I know that I am capable of learning - in fact, I love to learn and often feel that the more I learn, the less I know (sounds like lyrics to a song!). I am recognizing just how powerful my thoughts are in terms of creating my reality. Whether it is looking at a new situation and thinking "I can't do this!" or working in my library and treating each student with respect (I have always done this - I LOVE to see how a friendly smile and a simple "How are you?" can disarm the toughest-looking teenager!). Clearly attitude is everything.

First Step

Okay - so this is what it is all about. I am about to take my first steps into the world of blogging. I have so much to learn! Today is a snow day (NO SCHOOL!), so I have time to play for a change.