Monday, January 14, 2008

First Step

Okay - so this is what it is all about. I am about to take my first steps into the world of blogging. I have so much to learn! Today is a snow day (NO SCHOOL!), so I have time to play for a change.


Barb said...

Yay snow day - friend to all educators!
I like your picture...

Patty said...

Christine :

Hi! You are so far ahead of me with the online course. I think it should be a great experience with some fun and laughter along the way. It is good to go through the struggles as a student again. Make for more compassion and humility as my own students are completing their assignments.

I am sending this comment your way because you had an entry dated March 17th. which is my birthday and you are from MA. I have a friend in Longmeadow, Massachusetts who taught with me in the mid80's in CA. Someday I hope to make a vist to MA. Patty Arnold