Sunday, January 27, 2008

Week #3 - Thing #7 - Part 2

As I was searching for a picture to add to my last post, I came across this one. Here I am showing my MacBook laptop to my 99 year-old neighbor. We recently had her over for dinner, and I wanted to share some photos with her. It was her very first chance to play with a computer. And I was surprised that she was so open to it! She has seen so many changes in her lifetime, and she is still willing to explore something new. This is a good reminder to me to remain open to changes.

1 comment:

Barb said...

This is such a great picture! My grandmother-in-law who was born in 1910 said that the most amazing invention during her lifetime was the ballpoint pen. But she never got to see a mac book!

I am really enjoying your blog.