Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Week #6 - #15 - Web 2.0 Future of Libraries

After reading through all of the perspectives on Web 2.0 and where it will take the libraries of the future, I was both intrigued and depressed.  

I am intrigued with Web 2.0's potential for changing how information is provided as well as accessed.  I can see how we librarians need to shift our thinking to a new paradigm.  I could not agree more with Rick Anderson's article "Away from the icebergs".  While he recognizes that librarians work hard to serve their patrons, he makes a strong case for change.  One quote struck me:  "But if our services can’t be used without training, then it’s the services that need to be fixed—not our patrons."  

Looking at another perspective, I especially liked reading Dr. Wendy Schulz's "To a temporary place in time..".  She defines libraries by what they have been in the past, and what they will be in the future: "
What are libraries? Libraries are not just collections of documents and books, they are conversations, they are convocations of people, ideas, and artifacts in dynamic exchange. Libraries are not merely in communities, they are communities: they preserve and promote community memories; they provide mentors not only for the exploration of stored memory, but also for the creation of new artifacts of memory." 
I like the concept of libraries being dynamic and working with the patrons that they serve.

So why am I depressed?  When I look at my school's use of technology, I can see that we have a very long way to go.  If we are serious about educating our students for the future, some things need to change.  This course, so far,  has given me a lot to think about.


Barb said...

Wow, you are cranking on this! I am so impressed at all your posts. I feel your pain about how we are training the students we have today for the world of tomorrow. Have you read A WHOLE NEW MIND? It is fantastic but also shows how far we have to go.

patsydiv said...

HI Chris -
I agree with your concerns about 2.0 too - check out my blog. Yours looks great, though - keep posting!